lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

_Ritual Night in Turin_Sabato 18 febbraio 2012


Nordrljos is free-improvised ritual noise. A spiritual and sonic mental
hijack composed of shamanism, harsh noise, black ambient, free impro
and ritual music. All audio is gestured by Tor Navjord. Thought Noáidi will
not be physically present at the performance. For the duration he evokes
a shamanistic ritual in trance via Oslo (NO). The ceremony wills spirit-
emissary and remote sorcery projection, targeting the public with the intent to
accomplish errands such as gathering information, willing support, health or
harm. Live rituals are improvised into performances of 15 to 180 minutes.


Born on Lake Como, he attended at the "Liuteria High School" of Cremona, then graduated at the Brera's Academy of Milan under the guidance of Alberto Garutti. During his performances he uses neon's lights (modified with oscillators, electric circuits and electric guitar's pick-up), classical music instruments and several electronic devices for live improvvisations.


Mare di Dirac è un progetto in collaborazione tra Nascitari e Poseitrone basato sulla registrazione e modulazione di fonti sonore ambientali (field recording) legate metaforicamente a teorie di fisica quantistica e di conseguenza all'utilizzo di campi magnetici ricreati tramite costruzone di antenne...è un progetto attivo dal 2009 con qualche live (, e varie release sotto etichette indipendenti.


Fukte plays harsh noise in the traditional, uncompromising, filthy and analogue way. This doesn't mean that is a "one-way" project. Sometimes can be found influences and contaminations like drone, power electronics, experimental and above all HNW.

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